There’s no doubt that learning is an essential part of our lives. It’s how we grow, it’s how we develop our skills, and it’s how we build a sense of self awareness. But as we get older, it can be harder to stick with the same learning routine. Why? Because many of us are used to having way too much on our plates and finding the time to dedicate to something new is often difficult.
As a teacher, you’re probably aware of the importance of creating a structured environment for learning. But do you know how else you can make your classroom more conducive to learning?
Use technology to enhance your lesson plans. When you use technology in the classroom, students see what they’re supposed to learn, and they’ll be more engaged in the lesson. Create a schedule that breaks down the week and month into smaller chunks of time that make sense for each student. This will not only help you plan better but it can also help your students manage their time better as well!
Make sure the class has a balance of active participation and quiet reflection time. When students participate actively, they’ll feel like they’re able to contribute to discussions, which will help them feel like they’re making progress on their own learning goals. If there’s too much silence at any point during class, it can be hard for students to stay focused on what’s being taught.
Plan ahead. A lot of us like to sit down and start teaching right away but this can actually be counterproductive if your students are not ready to learn yet. So consider planning ahead by setting aside time before school starts so that you can spend time with students who need extra help or guidance.
Provide learning structure. Another way that teachers get students excited about learning is by providing structure in the classroom. The more organized an environment is, the more likely it is that students will feel motivated to achieve what they have set out to do.

Create an environment where students feel comfortable asking questions about anything that comes up during class discussions or activities (no matter how small). Students should feel safe enough asking questions in order to learn more about whatever topic is being discussed and if we don’t make this expectation clear from the beginning, then students won’t ask questions at all!
Give your students plenty of opportunities to practice their skills by having them participate in curricular activities, theater productions or sports. This will help them learn how important it is for them to make mistakes in order to grow stronger and improve their abilities!
As a way to re-establish a learning routine, breaking complicated ideas into smaller pieces and then reassembling them can also be helpful. This will help students understand how information fits together, making it easier for them to retain knowledge and absorb lessons.
Developing daily routines for students will enable them to be more successful and minimize disruptions in the classroom. It’s best to have clear routines at the beginning of class, in between lessons, and at the end of the day to maximize instruction time. Students should be able to transition well throughout the day once they’ve learned the routine.
Defining and teaching classroom routines reduces disruptive behavior, so you can spend more time on instruction. As long as students know what to expect, daily transitions from one activity to another will be easier, and you won’t have to correct them as often, which will make your relationship with them better.